Records Of The Ludhiana Agency


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    The present volume is one of a series of selections from the Punjab Government records which have been published by the Punjab Government. The papers in this volume are a selection from the Records of the Ludhiana Agency from 1808 – 1815, which will be found in Books 1 – 15 of the old records of the Punjab Secretariat, original receipt letters being filed in one series of books and copies of issues in another. The period to which the papers relate is that between the arrival of the British at Ludhiana and the conclusion of the first Gurkha campaign in June 1815, shortly after which (October 1815) the headquarters of the British representative in the Punjab were transferred to Karnal.

    Title: Records Of The Ludhiana Agency
    Author: Punjab Government Press
    Subject: History
    ISBN: 9693517695
    Year: 2006
    Language: English
    Number of Pages: 469


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